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The Business Trendsetter Podcast by Spark Partners

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The Best Strategy is a Growth Strategy

Manny Teran, Adam Hartung
McKinsey, recession, automation, AI, economists, inflation, Powell, fiscal policy

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Well, McKinsey finally did it.  After a full year of analysis they figured out what we’ve been saying on this podcast all along – that a growth strategy outperforms a defensive strategy, even in recessions.  Wow, pop the champagne corks. All of you readers already know this, and that their #1 method of growing in 2024 is (wait a minute) using automation and AI!!  Wow, I’m glad they finally had time to listen to our podcast!

This podcast also explores why so many economists struggle to predict things like recessions and inflation, largely due to using theories based on conditions unlike today.  And likewise Chairman Powell, et. al., can’t get economic, monetary or fiscal policy right if they work off the wrong assumptions.  So we go back to 2021 and explain what led to our current inflation – and its rapid decline.  This will help you prepare for not only 2024, but the next 5 years as you use the right assumptions to build your growth strategy.

Thinking Points:

  • Do you have a growth strategy in place for 2024?
  • Are you fearful of a recession or ready to charge ahead?
  • Have you discovered the huge importance of the demographic shift on economic conditions and markets and factored that into your future scenarios?
  • Are you capturing the profits available in this marketplace, or letting opportunity pass you by?